Tag: little black a pony

Happy 2010!

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It’s been a busy and cold holiday season for the Black Stallion, Little Black a Pony, Big Red and everyone at Hopeful Farm.

We were in Kentucky at the wonderful Horse Park where they are set to host 10,000 students for the Black Stallion Literacy Foundation shows!
They are just awesome up there, just the best team you can imagine!

With the upcoming World Equestrian Games and all the events at the Horse Park in 2010 it all looks really spectacular!
Wait to you hear about the new Arabian Wing at the Museum … it’s going to be fabulous!!

Check it out when you get a minute.

crytalis center pony kids
These are our friends at the Chrysalis House in Lexington … great people doing wonderful work in the community … Little Black went to visit everyone for Christmas and give away some books … He’s a Santa helper!

Thanks for reading … and don’t forget to visit the forum and drop us a line!
More soon,

Spanish "Little Black, a Pony"?

Would you read a Spanish version of Walter Farley’s beginner book, “Little Black, a Pony”?


Here is a sample of the first page. Let me know what you think here, or on the forum.

El poni Azabache
Walter Farley

Cuando yo era niño tenía un poni.
Lo llamaba Azabache
Era mi amigo, mi gran amigo.

Andábamos los dos por toda la granja.
Nos divertíamos.
Fuimos a ver a los otros caballos.
Y vimos a Gran Alazán.
¡Uau! ¡Cómo corría!

Entonces, un día le dije: “Azabache, me gustaría tratar de montar a Gran Alazán”.

Me fui pues al establo.
Lo mire a Gran Alazán.
¿Podría yo montar este caballo?
¿Podría yo montar este gran caballo?


Little Black, a Pony

Walter Farley

When I was little I had a pony. I called him Little Black. He was my very, very good friend.

The two of us went all over the farm. We had fun. We went to see the other horses. We saw Big Red. My, that horse could run.

Then one day I said, “Little Black, I would like to try to ride Big Red.”

So I went to the barn. I looked at Big Red. Could I ride this horse? Could I ride this big horse?