My friend Jeanne Rosenberg, screenwriter from “the Black Stallion” (1979) has a new show on-line.
URBAN COWGIRL – It’s a web-pilot – a coming of age story about girls and horses and wending your way through the minefield of adolescence launching Thursday 11-13-08 on www.Strike.Tv
SYNOPSIS: After moving to LA because of her mother’s illness, 14 year old Jorgie Evans feels alienated at the tony private school where her father teaches math to haughty kids who ignore her in the halls. At a local Equestrian Center, Jorgie must prove herself not only to the daunting trainer, but to the riding students – the same scornful, self-important It-Girls who make her life miserable at school. Matching wits with the wily, abandoned Stella, Jorgie wins the respect of the cagey old show horse as well as the attention of a handsome 16 year old stable hand, Zando, further inflaming the ire of the over-privileged lesson girls.
Take a look and tell us what you think. Thanks for reading … and Writing!